Changes for Spanish licenses
Due to new Spanish rules there are big chances concerning the receipt of Spanish permits for heavy haulage and oversized transports (Attention: These changes concern only Spanish permits, not Basque or Navarra ones):
- All documents must be translated into Spanish by official translators – also registration papers (we work with several official translators of different languages. We can offer that service with previous budget)!
- The original translations must be sent to the authorities in Madrid and after they checked all documents and accepted them as correct they will register the vehicules in the system. Only after that we can request for permits, and all permits will be done telematically.
- Permanent permits don’t exist anymore for foreigners – the route must be the most direct and shortest possible.
- For foreigners are per permit 1 truck and up to 25 identically constructed trailers possible (same kind of axles, with same amount of wheels, suspensions etc.).
- Validity of permits: 1 year
- Load: we are allowed to put “indivisible” in permits
We recommend to check as soon as possible which vehicules you would like to have registered in the Spanish system to start asap with translations and the registration to avoid delays when you need permits.